Photofeeler Attractive
And so we at Photofeeler can’t neglect to address what it means to have characteristics that are considered attractive or unattractive. Unattainable standards of attractiveness have dominated for a long time, but from where we stand, we think the future looks better. Know for certain how you’re coming across in pictures with Photofeeler. I've been on this sub for 5 years, on and off. I just went from being a KHHV to just a virgin. I posted a backstory a couple of weeks ago about everything leading up to this with spicy details (no privacy concerns tho), but the post got insta removed without a real explanation from the mods. An attractive man receives a Tinder match approximately 22.6% of his swipes, while an average man only comes up with a meager 0.5% match rate. Conversely, this means that the average man has to swipe 200 times before he gets a single match. Tinder can actually work. However, only if you are an attractive man.
Services such as Photofeeler provide rating services for those who want to look attractive, or professional, or fun. And consider the element of unpredictable rewards associated with the use of. Photofeeler replicated the same exact study yet found there was no statistically significant difference between eye contact and no eye contact. The study did, however, find that females deemed those that looked directly at the camera and smiled to be more attractive than males that looked at the camera and refused to smile.
Established Member
- Reaction score
- 204
For dating purposes you get rated for how smart, trustworthy and attractive you look. Obviously ony the latter really interests me. I do see differences in ratings for that, so that gives me a hint as to what are the better pictures of me that I have. I am not sure though as to what the percentage really says about your attractiveness in relation to your 'competition'. For example, I've used pics of other guys who I know are more succesful on Tinder who got lower rates than me on photofeeler - which begs the question if you get rated relative to how good you looksmax in the respective pic.
There is something else I've noticed: there are 4 categories; not attractive (1), somewhat attractive (2), attractive (3), very attractive (4).
Unlike others, I get almost exclusively 2s and 3s. I do not polarize. Welcome to the world of a friendly face that mothers in law would take for their daughters, but that is not manly and hot enough for the daughters.
Dating Profile Review: Rate My Profile, Rank My Dating Photos, Dating Photo Analyzer, Rate My Pictures For Dating Apps, Photo Feedback, Dating Photo Critique
Photofeeler Somewhat Attractive
As an online dating photographer and profile consultant, I have spent more than 6 years helping folks (here in the San Francisco Bay Area), across the country (Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City) and internationally with their dating profile, app choice, bio, photo and appearance makeovers.
Photofeeler Attractive Black
My focus is to help relationship-focused individuals improve their chances of meeting that special someone online and offline. In addition to photos, I work on all aspects of a profile to make sure your photos will be used effectively alongside your app choices, bios, etiquette, prompts, answers and other existing photos.
Photofeeler Review – Scores, Votes, Examples & More
As a dating profile expert, I provide guidance on realistic expectations based on your demographics, opportunities for improvement and highlight the areas for improvement to minimize self-sabotage. A recent trend I have noticed is putting too much weight and effort into getting the best scores on rating sites like Photofeeler.
Unlike professional headshots, dating photos have a different look and feel to them and signal different things based on app choice, answers to prompt, profile completeness, answers to prompts and messages sent. They should be candid, natural, imperfect, slightly grainy, self-deprecating, warm, approachable, and slightly vulnerable.
Before you update your photos or begin taking new photos, read this review on Photofeeler so you are aware of its limitations and biases.
Photofeeler Attractive Women
Photofeeler is a tool that allow you to receive a score and some limited feedback on your photos primarily for dating apps, business professional purposes i.e. LinkedIn or social media. The service is free but in order for your profile to be shown to others and receive feedback, you have to provide votes and feedback as well to other profiles, photos (aka karma points) or pay for credits.
Photofeeler, Social - Confident, Authentic, Fun - Example
Photofeeler, Dating - Smart, Trustworthy, Attractive
Photofeeler, Business - Competent, Likable, Influential
The more you do so, the more feedback you receive (karma credits). Users select the outlet for photos (business photos, dating photos or social media photos) and wait for the results to come in. If you want to accelerate the process or don’t want to rate people you can buy credits.
Although photos will not show up on Google Search results, that doesn’t mean people cannot save or screenshot photos. Anything you put up on the internet is subject to being stolen, misused or saved. Photofeeler only measures looks with respects to photos and not actual appearances.
Many attractive people take bad photos and many not so attractive people can take good photos. It’s important to understand the context of photos and nuances of how photos are taken and when.

After uploading your photos, you then select who you want to show your photos for. Ideally these are people in your realistic dating range otherwise you can sabotage your scores due to age bias.

Photofeeler ranks photos on a scale of 1 to 10 on 3 metrics depending on the type of photo.
Business (likable, competent, influential);
Dating (attractiveness, trustworthy, smart);
Social (authentic, fun, confident).
While I think is a good source for feedback on photos (especially when compared to getting no feedback at all), there are some things you want to be aware of before following advice blindly on those photo ratings.
Limited to Photos Only. While there are different lenses you can narrow your focus on (professional i.e. LinkedIn, dating profiles etc.) on Photo feeler, it does not offer personalized feedback on your app choices, bio, captions, messages etc.
Good photos can only take you so far and plenty of folks self-sabotage their chances through app choice, photo order, bios, messaging etc. Additionally, different dating apps require different types of photos to be successful. What might work on Tinder may not work on Bumble or Hinge.
Read this post on what your dating profile photos signal.
Location Bias. This can lead to inflated scores. There are more people in big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and San Francisco etc. and your photos will be reviewed and scored by all including smaller towns with possibly lesser differentiating expectations. Not to say there are not attractive people outside larger cities but you should be judging yourself against people you are interested in meeting. Politics, lifestyles and background go a long way in factoring into scores.

Selection Bias. Most people on Photofeeler are coming from a position of needing help themselves. Many are new to dating sites, others have been on dating sites for years without success. If you needed help with your 3pt shot would you ask Klay Thompson or would you ask people coming off the bench from the Knicks? Know your sources. Either way, there is more to you than just photos and you need to have context in terms of your lifestyle so you can not only get feedback on photos but understand where you can improve.
Subreddits like r/IncelsWithoutHate use photofeeler as their default tool for rating themselves and rating others.
Privacy. Anyone can view your photos on Photofeeler. While you will be showing your photos to people once you are on a dating site or app, you don’t want to expose bad photos of yourself right off the bat without some feedback. Some people do not want to expose their photos to the public more than they have to and this is enough of a reason to seek help from a professional vs. the public.
Per it’s Privacy Policy: Some information associated with deleted accounts is retained in order to maintain the service for other users, for statistical and historical purposes, and for use in scientific research.
Context. Some photos will do better on an app like Tinder vs an app like Coffee Meets Bagel. Whether you are on the fast track for a long-term relationship or looking for something casual, it is important you know how to market yourself and understand what your photos signal.
User Credibility. While some users might have experience or even success on dating apps or getting high scores, some folks are merely looking to get feedback themselves and will blast through scores as quickly as possible and not take the time to thoughtfully review each photo. There is little to gain from helping others on a platform like this when others are viewed as competition.
Score. Reducing your looks, photos, appearance and date-ability to a single score can be misleading and dangerous. Assigning a score reverts society back to rating people ala the days of beauty competitions, and high school immaturity. Many people suffer from negative and bad comments on sites like this which can affect morale and confidence.
Don’t let your self-worth be associated to a subjective score, you are more than that. Photofeeler attractiveness scores only consider existing photos, it cannot provide guidance on how to take photos going forward and how to round out your profile to complement existing photos (for help with choosing theright photos for your profile check out this intro guide).
In order to do better on dating apps, it’s not about improving your scores but rather looking at everything including app choice, profile fatigue, bios, answers to prompts, messaging and more. Focus on whom you want to attract and work on becoming that person to attract said profile rather than focusing on getting the highest scores possible.
You attract who you are, not what you seek.
Rating Individual Photos vs. Telling A Story. Ranking individual photos is not helpful in that you can’t assume sum of the parts equal the whole. It’s quite possible to get high scores on headshots but that doesn’t mean you should use headshots. Also, sites like this don’t tell you what photos you should add to a profile.
How To Improve Your Scores On Photofeeler. It’s quite possible and easy to improve your scores on Photofeeler. Aside from physique, other things that can improve your score are smiles, wardrobe, environments, poses, variety of photos, photo captions, photo order and lighting. Read more on how to look more attractive in your photos.
1) Go to ‘My Tests’ and pause any tests you have going on by clicking the pause symbol.

2) Once a test is paused, the pause button then becomes a delete (trash can) symbol from which you can click on to delete the test.
3) To delete your photo altogether after you paused your tests and deleted your tests, go to ‘My Tests’ and select new tests. The new screen will display photos in your account from which you can delete photos.
4) Click on this link to request your account to be deleted per it’s privacy policy.
Is Photofeeler Anonymous? Is Photofeeler Safe?
Yes, in the sense you can’t tell who is rating you. No, in the sense that your photos are on the internet. Even though they are not cached or searchable doesn’t mean people can’t screenshot your photos and save them. They are safer than dating apps in that they don’t collect as much data as them, but it’s another unnecessary outlet to post your photos to the internet for people to judge. Depending on your tolerance for the truth, feedback, proceed using with caution as some folks can’t handle their scores.
What Is A Good Score On Photofeeler?
That depends on who you ask, how much self-awareness you have and what you goal is. Most people would love to get a 7 or above. Others want to strive for a 9.5 and above. The bad thing about Photofeeler is the focus on scores. It’s a sad world if we get society to rank people on a scale of 1-10. Rather than focusing on attaining a score, just focus on improving your smiles, wardrobes, appearance, photos, poses, lighting, backgrounds etc.
How To Uninstall Photofeeler? How To Delete Photofeeler.
1) Pause the test. 2) The Pause button will then be replaced by a trash can icon (delete).
If you are looking for your own personal, dating profile review that goes beyond photos but location, age, orientation, what you seek, bios, answers to prompts and dating app choices, you have come to the right place. Read more about my dating profile critiques and help.
Photofeeler 90 Attractive
Additional Reading
Tinder Smart Photos (Pros & Cons, Should You Use It & More)

About Eddie Hernandez
Photofeeler Attractive Photos
Eddie Hernandez is a professional photographer (based in San Francisco, travels to Los Angeles, Chicago, New York etc.) specializing in natural, candid online dating photos. Featured in the SFGate, ABC7News, East Bay Express, Salon; contributor to Good Men Project, Plenty Of Fish and Meddle. In addition to photos, he provides guidance around app choice, bio optimization, messaging techniques, wardrobe advice and date ideas.
For other helpful online dating tipscheck out my blog for more helpful advice:
Online Dating Frequently Asked Questions(Photos, App Choice, Wardrobe, Messaging, Bios and More):
Tinder Bio Help, Profile Helper, Dating Profile I Am, Witty Dating Profile Examples, What To Write In A Dating Profile, Dating Profile Help, Dating Profile Writing, Rate Dating Profile Pictures, Photofeeler Reviews, Photofeeler Reddit, Rate My Photo, Dating Photo Analyzer, Dating Profile Analyzer, Dating Photography, Dating Photos, Online Dating Photos, Dating Portraits, Photos For Dating Profiles, Dating Profile Makeover, Reddit, R/RateMe, R/Tinder, R/RoastMe, R RoastMe, R RateMe, R Tinder, Photofeeler Attractive, Photofeeler Smart, Photofeeler Trustworthy, Photofeeler Competent, Photofeeler Likable, Photofeeler Influential, Photofeeler Arrogant, Photo Testing (Social, Professional & Dating Profiles). Rating Pictures, Picture Rating, Can You Trust Photofeeler, Is Photofeeler Reliable, How Long Does Photofeeler Take, Is Photofeeler Good, Is Photofeeler Anonymous, Face Attractiveness Analyzer, Am I Attractive, Am I Dateable, Intense Meaning, Do I Look Intense, Looking Intense In Photos, Am I Ugly, Weird Smile, I Hate Taking Photos, Photogenic Definition, Photoranker, Photofeeler Alternative, Photofeeler Results, Datenhance, Photofeeler Attractive Score, Attractive Percentage, Photofeeler Rating, Above Average, Below Average, Top 10%, Very Attractive, How To Look More Attractive In Your Photos, How To Look Cute In Photos, Photo Feeler Review, Is Photofeeler Safe, Photofeeler Examples, Photofeeler App, Photofeeler Tinder, Photofeeler Bumble, Photofeeler Hinge, Photofeeler Attractive %, How Accurate Is Photofeeler, Photofeeler Average Score, Apps Like Photofeeler, What Is Photo Feeler, Photofeeler Privacy, Photofeeler Dating, What Is A Good Score On Photofeeler, Photofeeler LinkedIn, Sites Like Photofeeler, Human Photofeeler, Photofeeler Karma, Fotofeeler, Photofeeler Attractive Reddit, Photofeeler Blog, Cupido, AskCupido, Is Photofeeler Useful, Tinder Smart Photos, Photofeeler Attractive Rating, Photofeeler Scores Reddit, Photofeeler Dating Results, Am I Attractive, How Attractive Am I, How To Tell If You Are Attractive, Best Profile Pics, Photofeeler Pros And Cons, Rate My Tinder Photos, Rate My Bumble Photos, Rate My Hinge Photos, Photofeeler Trustpilot, What Is A Good Photofeeler Score, How Do I Know If My Photos Are Good, What Are The Best Tinder Photos, What Are Good Dating Profile Photos, Good Dating Photo Examples, Best Photos To Use In A Dating Profile, How Safe Is Photofeeler, Photofeeler Somewhat Attractive, Dating Photo Help, Dating Photo Advice, What Kind Of Photos Should A Dating Profile Have, Photo Rating App, Dating Photo Testing, Tinder Photo Improver, Best Photos To Use For Dating Apps, Photo Tester, Rate Me Pictures, HotOrNot, Hot Or Not, How Do You Use Photofeeler, How Do I Uninstall Photofeeler, What Is Karma On Photofeeler, Photofeeler Site Review