Hilarious Dating Profiles

Subtle Humor
Though online dating eliminates the factor of going to a rendezvous with someone who's doubtlessly not your type, there's still a chance to encounter a total weirdo. As you can see from this list of funny Tinder profiles compiled by Bored Panda, there's certainly no shortage of 'interesting' people looking for love on the popular dating app. Online profiles are not only useful for helping find someone to date, they can be a great source of comedy material! The author shares the funniest lines from three years of online dating travels. It’s funny and interesting all rolled into one. Simply chose the type of profile you would like to select including: Cheesy. You will then be asked a series of questions as to your likes and dislikes. Following a comprehensive questionnaire, you will then be presented with your very own dating ad profile for you to. Then, you come across the perfect profile. It might be five words, three paragraphs, or a hilarious photo, but either way you’re in stitches. We’ve scoured the internet (and the best dating apps) to pull together a list of some of the funniest dating profiles.
I don’t have 1930’s art deco posters hanging in my flat just to seem cool and retro. Yes, it’s more attractive than displaying a television, but I genuinely appreciate the concept of complexity behind simplicity for the purpose of pure decorativeness. Thankfully, this concept does not apply to me personally. My predilection for this kind of art probably just complements my background in electrical engineering…
This example of a witty dating profile is subtle, but the specificity grabs attention. Not every dating profile needs to have you rolling on the floor with laughter. It doesn’t have to be one of the most hilarious profiles; however, using a fun and upbeat tone is always a winning strategy. Engaging the reader with specifics while seamlessly weaving in information about a career in the most charming way is clever and informative. It makes you think, ‘I’d swipe right on this person and want to get to know them’.

Simple pleasures make me happy. Like when I’m able to be still and quiet while taking in the sounds, smells, and vastness of a sandy beach. Or when I make my children cringe while spontaneously singing a bar of “I feel pretty” after a haircut…
When you expect her to be a bit sweet and sappy in this online dating profile, she throws in a twist. A good profile gives specific illustrations of actions and stories. It can be an example of a funny dating profile but also provides variety instead of being one-note. The way she changes direction in the third sentence is an amusing and charming way of writing an online dating profile.
You’d laugh while we’re cooking together because you’d see I’m unable to hide that I don’t know what I’m doing…
Being willing to poke fun at yourself usually indicates a great sense of humor. It also appropriately demonstrates vulnerability, which is much more attractive than bragging about huge achievements. It’s also a conversation starter for online dating and a chance to ask someone out—perhaps suggest going to a pub in a garden for a nice meal, since the cooking is hit or miss. One of the best dating tips, no matter which app you use, is to find an outdoor place to get to know each other.
Straight-to-the-Point Openings
Funny Dating Profile Bios
If you’re looking for someone who’s quiet and smiles politely during a Kentucky college basketball game, you’re looking in the wrong direction. I’m the one unapologetically cheering in blue and white…
I wear punny graphic tees. I read terrible science fiction with plot twists too embarrassing to explain. And I can’t stop laughing when the guy on ‘Impractical Jokers’ dances around singing “scoopski potatoes” as he tries to rack up a high score…
Putting it all out there is underrated. Sure, there are pros and cons of going far with specifics. It can seem over-the-top as it may turn off some prospects before they can hear the awesome stories you could share in person after they see your profile picture. But are any of them really for you anyway? Will their level of humor be on par with yours? Being yourself unequivocally can be effective. You don’t have to be the King or Queen of witty dating profiles to illustrate aspects of your personality that are wonderfully you. It’s funny because it’s true. No matter which dating app you use, this approach will get you closer to discovering the person right for you and further away from those who won’t appreciate your charm.
Creative Humor
I’m much more excited about observing the Milky Way than eating one. Don’t get me wrong: coffee and chocolate are important dietary needs, but inspiring others to learn about space exploration while leading a discussion at a planetarium gives me a natural high…
You’d take my breath away when we kiss. You’d hold open the door. You don’t need to wax. You’d like my cat…
You’d rather debate an Arthur Miller play than discuss Jennifer Aniston’s latest boyfriend. Sorry…
I’m a pickup truck instead of a Mercedes. Sturdy. Classic. Dependable with a touch of badass. But I don’t kick butt for a living; I fix teeth. And wearing my cowboy boots while smelling the leather and earthiness of a barn is much more fun than wearing a white coat in a sterile office…
Funny Dating Profiles For Women
I’ll never be like David Beckham, and I can live with that. I admit to being the scientist who still secretly wishes that, through osmosis, my fitness level could inform my skill level during weekly five aside football games…
Hilarious Dating Profile Descriptions
Just as you want to use new pics in your online dating profiles, make sure to inject personality and a sense of fun into them, as well as your profile headline. It’s ultimately more important than writing witty dating profiles that just get a laugh. This will optimize your online dating experience.