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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
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Ағылшын тілі пәнінің II санатты оқытушысы
Кадралиева Фариза Сакипкалиевна
Theme: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
1.Educational: To consolidate and generalize knowledge of
students on the geography; To enrich students’
knowledge in all spheres of country study; To
widen their vocabulary through doing different
2.Developmental: To develop students’ skills in oral speech; To
develop studenrs’ writing, reading and speaking
abilities through doing several tasks: To
improvetheir mental and critical thinking;
3. Cultural: To dring up their respect for people of different
nationalities: To bring up students to respect and
love forelgn language;
Type: Revision of the previous materials, combination lesson.
Visual aids: Interactive desk, Books.
Subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History.
The prosedure of the lesson:
1.Organization moment:
a) Greeting:
Teacher: - Good afternoon, dear children!
b) Marking:
Teacher:-Who is on duty today?
-Who is ubsent?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
-Thank you, sit down, please.
c) Presentation of the aims of the lesson:
Teacher: -Today we will revise all the materials based on the unit “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland”, their capitals, situation, national and state symbols and local sight of Great Britain.
2. Phonetic drill.
Teacher: -Let’s begin our lesson with a fonetic drill. Listen to a poem attentively, then you must repeat, read and translate it:
One road leads to London,
One road leads to Wels.
My road leds me seawords,
To the white dipping sails.
My road calls me, lures me,
West, East, South and North.
Most roads lead men homewords,
My road leads me forth.
Teacher:-listen to me
-Repeat after me.
-Let’s translate this poem. What about it.
-Who wants to read?
-Lets’read all together.
3. Checking up the home task:
Teacher:-What was your h/t?
-Ex.2 on page 109
Сол қалпында қалу-оставаться- - remain
Едәуір мағынасы- значительный- - considerable
Даму- развитие - expansion
Кеңейту- расширить- - extend
Ақыр соңында- в конце концов- - eventually
Көріну- появиться- - emerge
4.Warming up “Find the sountry”.
Teacher:-you must find the country and write it in the blackboard.
Rebritigatn- Great Britain
Mearcai- America
Nadaca- Canada
Donlon- London
Acifra- Africa
Lyatl- Italy
Auaisatrl- Australia
Anihc- China

Task № 1 “Research”.

The UK is the shortened word of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland. Gret Britain includes England, scotland, wales and Nothern Ireland.Although Britain is a unitary state, the countries of Britain have separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition.
England is predominantly a lowland country. Wales is a country of hills and mountains. Britains highest mountain, Ben Nevis is in the central highlands of Scotland. Nothern Ireland is at its nearest point only 21 km from Scotland.
Britain has frequent weather changes through the seasonal cycle of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year.
Task № 2 Answer the questions:
1.-What is the UK?
Nagima: The UK means The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland. It is the political name of the country wich is made up if England, Scotland, Wels and Nothern Ireland.
2. -What countries is Great Britain made up of?
Nurslu: -Great britain consists of four main parts: England, Wales, Scotland, Nothern Ireland.
3.-Do you know anithing about the total area of Great Britain?
Gulmarzhan:- The total area of Great Britain is 240,000 square kilometres.
4. -What about the population of the United Kingdom?
Kundiz: The population of Great Britain is over 57 million people.
5. -Name all the capital cities of Great Britain. Show them in the map.
Oksana: - The capital of the United kingdom and England is London, the capital of Scotland is Edinburg, the capital of Wales is Cardiff, the capital of Nothern Ireland is Belfast.
6. -What are the largest cities of Great Britain?
Oksana: -The largest cities of Great Britain are: London, Birmingham, Manchester, leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol, Sheffield, Edinburgh.
7. –What languages are spoken in the United Kingdom?
Aigerim: -English is the official language of the UK. But English is
not the only language of the country, Some people speak Gaelic,
others speak Welsh.
8. – Describe the national Flag of the United Kingdom.
Helen: - The national flag of the UK is known as Union Jack. It is the combination of the three crosses: red cross of England, the white diagonal cross of Scotland, the red diogonal cross of Ireland. Although Wales is the part of United Kingdom it has it’s own national flag.
Teacher: -We have rewiewed some information about the UK and Nothern Ireland. I am glad then you have done it well.
Task № 3. –And now we shall have a rest. Look at the blackboard. It is a wordsnake. You must find and read all the words related to our lesson:
o n d o n g d b w
u e
e n j f j w a
d l j v w
s t l
c k
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l a n d e
o i t o n j s t n s
t n h s g v t f b g
l g a e l s
o u t h
a d b c
a p i t a l
n o e h n
o r t h d
d m t f d t
o w e r
Task №.4 “Imagine”.
Teacher:-Let’s repeat the famous sightseeng of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland; Now answer my questions;
~ What is the sit the British Government?
(The Houses of Parlament)
~ It is one of the famous clocks in the world?
(Big Ben)
~It was a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, and now it is a museum?
(Tower of London)
~One of the greatest English Churches, built by the famous English architect Sir Cristopher Wren?
(St. Paul’s Cathedral)
~ It is a place wich has a monument to Admiral Nelson?
(Trafalgar Square)
~ An old University?
(Oxford University)
~ What is the national symbol of London?
(a Bifiter)
~ What is the national symbol of England?
(a red rose)
~ What is the name of the Queen of the UK?
(Queen Elithabeth 2-nd)
~ What is the largest park in London?
(Hyde Park)
~It is the home of the Queen or the Queen’s residence?
(Buckingham Palace)
Task № 5. Written work.
Teacher: -Listen to the dictor attentively and complete the sentences with the exact words you hear.
The head of the British royal family is , of course, Queen Elithabeth 2-nd. She is the head of state and carries out important constitutional functions. She represents Great Britain all over the world, taking part in various ceremonies and paying visits to both British local communities and different countries around the world. She is married to Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and they have four children whose private lives are the center of media interest all over the world.
Head- глава
Queen Elithabeth 2-nd королева Елизавета 2-ая
Constitutional functions- конституционные функций
Great Britain- Великобритания
Ceremonies- церемоний
Prince Philip- Принц Филипп
Four- четверо
Task № 6 Test.
Teacher: - And now let’s check up your knowledge on the todays theme. Answer the questions of the test.
Darkyria Uk Videos
-Evaluate themselves and each other on the sheets and give your mark.-The lesson is over.
1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
a) Great Britain b) England
c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
a) Four b) three c) two
3. What is the capital of the UK?
a) Cardiff b) Dublin c) London
4. What is the national symbol of London?
a) a bald eagle b) Britannia c) a bifiter
5. How many islands are there in the British Isles?
a) 7000 b) 5500 c) 6500
6. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?
a) Heathrow Airport b) Gatwick Airport c) Stansted Airport
7. English children start going to school at the age of:
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5
8. There are 2 days a week when British pupils don’t go to school. They are:
a) Sunday and Monday b) Friday and Saturday c) Saturday and Sunday
9. What are the main islands in the British Isles?
a) Great Britain and Ireland b) Scotland and Wales c) Wales and Great Britain
10. What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?
a) 16 b) 13 c) 18
11. What is the highest mark in British schools?
a) A b) C c) G
12. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
a) the Tower of London b) Windsor Castle c) Buckingham Palace
13. Where is Nelson’s Column situated?
a) in Parliament Square b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Piccadilly Circus
14. Earth Day is celebrated:
a) in winter b) in summer c) in spring
15. How many people live in London?
a) 5900 b) 7800 c) 8000
16. What parts is London traditionally divided into?
a) The City, The East end, The West end, The Westminster.
b) The Westminster and The City c) The East end and The West end
17. Which of these cities is not in Britain?
a) New York b) London c) Oxford
18. How many people work in the City?
a) 6 thousand b) 4 thousand c) a half million
19. The Beatles came from:
a) Liverpool b) Manchester c) Birmingham
20. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?
a) Christmas Day b) Halloween c) Easter tarbie.at.ua сайтынан The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland. Қосымша сабақ жоспары материалды тегін жүктеп сабақ барысында қолдануға рұқсат етіледі. Жарияланған материалға tarbie.at.ua сайтының әкімшілігі жауапты емес
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